
Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Opinions on Editing 1. Lord of The Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir's Death.

Lord of The Rings- Boromir’s Death
Link -
In my opinion the editing techniques used in this scene really help you to focus on certain characters and reactions to Boromir’s death, through audio and visual effects.

Section of the scene (1.15) 

About a minute into the scene, certain shots such as the Wide and Mid-shot of Lurtz (the leader of the Uruk-Hai scouts) change pace and the editing technique of slow motion is used. The Wide-shot transitions into the Mid-shot as a loud drum sound is played giving the character and the scene emphasis. A variation of quick paced shots and slow motion edits draws in the audience to create a tense atmosphere. This is then cut off with two reactions shots and the editing of silence and diegetic sounds of Boromir in pain. The reaction is then slowly accompanied with non-diegetic slow music which slowly increases volume and more slow motion Mid-Shots of Merry and Pippin are added. As Merry and Pippin are taken away and the Uruk-Hai scouts flee, a range of Mid and Medium Close-ups shots with stright cuts are edited together of Boromir with the Uruk-Hai around him to show he is outnumbered.